The City of Sarasota intends to construct a “complete street” on 10th Street from US 41 to Orange Avenue, and Boulevard of the Arts (BoTA) from Sarasota Bay to Orange Avenue. A complete street is an Age-Friendly design that promotes safe travel to and from your destination, whether you are walking, biking, riding transit, or driving your vehicle.

A complete street is also accessible to every person who utilizes it and provides a sense of place for the community. Each complete street is unique to the community and can include different features like enhanced sidewalks, street lighting, benches, street trees and landscaping, public art, and more.

Currently, the City completed 60% design and is working to acquire construction funding through federal grant programs. The initial phases of this project began in 2021 and once construction funds are secured the project will move into the next phase, Design-Build. City staff worked with the community through a variety of outreach opportunities to reach this point in the project. These opportunities included online surveys, public meetings, business walks, and many other touch points. The project described below was developed through extensive community engagement, best practices, safety, sustainability, and engineering design standards. 

  1. The 10th Street section focused on safe, multi-modal transportation potentially transforming the corridor from 4-lanes to a 2-lane, divided facility with 8-ft sidewalks, landscaping, stormwater treatments, and protected bicycle lanes. Additionally, there is consideration of a potential roundabout at the intersection of Orange Ave and 10th Street.
  2. The BoTA section reflected an enhanced pedestrian experience along the corridor that is broken down into three separate segments with differing treatments:
    • West of U.S. 41 (Bayfront to US 41): 2-lane divided street, 11-ft travel lanes with sharrows, 10-ft landscaped median, 10-ft sidewalks separated by a 9-ft landscaped border, and curbside management zones. There were also call-outs for art opportunities in medians and intersection treatments.
    • U.S. 41 Intersection: a raised intersection with 4 high-emphasis crosswalks. The raised intersection functions as an enlarged speed table ultimately reducing vehicular speeds along U.S. 41 creating a safer environment for vehicular traffic, pedestrians, and bicyclists.
    • East of U.S. 41 (U.S. 41 to Orange Ave): undergrounding powerlines, 2-lane divided street, 11-ft travel lanes with sharrows, 10-ft flex/sidewalks separated by an 8-ft landscaped border and on-street parking, where feasible. There were also call-outs at intersections for art opportunities, as well as callouts for street furniture, like benches or unique seating.

All documents related to each phase of this project can be found under Project Documents.